School Boys, Comics, and Allyship
The difficulties of menstrual hygiene management are often, if not always, heightened by gender inequality. Much of the discomfort around period talk can be due to the presence of men or boys and how they may react. Males play various roles in a girl or woman’s life: husbands, fathers, brothers, peers, teachers, and policymakers.[1] Their negative responses to menstrual hygiene management are essential to address in order to remove the stigma surrounding periods. Male’s lack of understanding is largely because menstruation is considered a taboo topic, and this stems from early education.
According to a study done in Taiwan, young boys in school feel that the topic of menstruation could not be discussed with their mothers, sisters, or fathers. They are also discouraged from discussing menstruation with each other at school:
©UNICEF Indonesia/2016/Tongeng[2]
“If we talk about menstruation and girls hear about it. They snitch to teacher and seize us to see the teacher. Our teacher will admonish us, shake her head at us and punish us.”[1]
As is the case with these young boys, the internalized discomfort that girls experience regarding their periods can lead men and boys to feeling uncomfortable about any discussion of menstruation.
Panels from a UNICEF comic that aims to educate boys — and girls — about menstruation. ©UNICEF Indonesia[3]
UNICEF has initiated education efforts in order to resolve this dilemma. In Indonesia, UNICEF has partnered with local organizations to create a video meant to educate boys on menstruation, as well as a comic book meant to explain the experience of periods. UNICEF surveyed 245 girls and 129 boys before and after reading them. The proportion of students who considered menstruation normal went up from 81% to 97% for girls and 61% to 89% for boys. In addition, the proportion of boys who were against period-related bullying went from 61% to 95%. It has now been implemented into the school curriculum of those communities.
There is much more work that needs to be done. Having men and boys as allies is crucial to achieving proper menstrual hygiene management and education for all to ensure a better future for both sexes. Erasing the stigma needs to start early.
[1]”Putting the men into menstruation: the role of men and boys in community menstrual hygiene management”
[2]”How girls – and boys! – are busting period myths in 5 countries around the world”
[3]”Menstruation 101 For Boys: A Comic Book Is Their Guide”
[4]What Happens When You Teach Boys to Be Period Allies