international women’s day 2021
We are radically impatient too.
We are impatient to see girls in school, receiving 12 years of quality education. We are impatient to see every woman with vocation skills, career opportunities, and the ability to realize her dreams. We’re impatient to see worldwide comprehensive sex education, access to menstrual supplies and birth control, and conversations which erase the shame a taboos associated with womanhood.
We use our impatience as a motivating force support women and girls as they learn and grow, work and dream. We work every day to strengthen our existing programs, develop new opportunities, and most of all listen to women as they tell us what they need and want.
We hold on to hope.
We’re excited by the opportunities we see in 2021. We’re having new conversations, developing new partnerships, and reaching out in new ways. Join with us as we support women with new programs for school girls and women smallholder farmers and new opportunities to be heard.