CEO Report from the Field

Columbia, July 2019

What do Girls Want Boys to Know?

In our recent Pads 4 Learning trip to teach reproductive health in Colombia girls emphatically told us -- “boys need to know this stuff too!”  

These girls were early adolescents, but there is wisdom in their words.  We took their guidance and continued the class with the boys in the classroom.  It didn’t work nearly as well. 

Boys and girls at this age are shy about discussing reproductive health and it proved to be an impediment to the dialogue that we needed to have with the girls.  Our organization knows that gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls requires that both girls and boys have a knowledge of reproductive health and reproductive health rights. We will continue to work to achieve the highest results in our efforts towards their education with both genders learning together and also apart when we have the opportunity to do it that way.



Girls Want to Know


Menstruation: A Barrier to Education