Why Male allyship matters
by Julia Andborn
Many organizations today see little change when it comes to gender equality and equity. This is because many of these organizations focus solely on changing women and their views. It is therefore critical to have more men engaged and educated regarding the issue of gender equity. In order to change the norms in regard to gender equality and equity, more men need to be involved in the discussions. It takes all of us to change our societal norms.
One study shows that when men are participating in gender inclusion programs, 96% of these programs resulted in progress, compared to only 30% when there were no men involved (Brad & Smith, 2018). Gender inequalities and inequities are not just women’s issues. They need to be dealt with on a systematic level, not on an individual level. This is why it is so important that both women and men are involved to change our patriarchal society.
Still, it is difficult to engage men, and encourage them to promote gender equality and equity since the current system favors men. Because the system privileges men, it is a challenge to change the system without them. They are the ones that can really make a change, by providing allyship to gender equality and equity.
Men can become better allies in many ways. Firstly, it is important for men to listen and secondly, they need to respect the space they are participating in. This brings us to the third point: men should not make the issues about themselves (Brad & Smith, 2018). This is a significant point, since “mansplaining” is not a good way to become a better ally. Also, men should learn to feel comfortable being uncomfortable; instead of giving up when it becomes hard, they should continue to educate themselves to become more comfortable. One of the most important ways to become a better ally is communication. Ask organizations and others how you can help and exchange your resources and social capital.
The more interaction and engagement that occurs between women and men, the more gender equality and equity will be supported, and prejudices will be reduced. This will eventually lead to a change of norms and more gender equality and equity. It is therefore crucial to stress how important the role of men is when it comes to reducing the gap of gender equality and equity.
Johnson, W. Brad, and David G. Smith. "How men can become better allies to women." Harvard Business Review 11 (2018).